Source code for crl.devutils.devpihandler

import re
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
from contextlib import contextmanager
from crl.devutils.devpiindex import DevpiIndex
from crl.devutils._tmpindex import _TmpIndex
from crl.devutils.utils import get_randomstring

__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2019, Nokia'

[docs]class MalformedURL(Exception): pass
[docs]class DevpiHandler(object): """ A handler for handling all devpi related actions. Args: run: Reference to a function capable of running shell commands. packagehandler: An instance of PackageHandler object credentials_file: User login information in a file. """ _index_re = re.compile('^(http[s]*://[^/]+)/([^/]+/[^/]+)[/]*$') _user_re = re.compile('^(http[s]*://[^/]+)/([^:]+):') _user_index_re = re.compile('^([^/]+)/([^/]+)*$') def __init__(self, run, packagehandler, credentials_file=None): = run self.packagehandler = packagehandler self._index = None self.credentials_file = credentials_file self._clientdir = None self._username = None @property def index(self): """ Currently used PyPI index. """ return self._index
[docs] def set_index(self, index): """ Set the given index as the current index. Args: index: Index, specified as http[s]://host/user/index. Raises: MalformedURL: If index URL is in wrong format. """ self._index = index self._validate_index_url_format(index)
def _validate_index_url_format(self, index): match = self._index_re.match(index) if not match or len(match.groups()) < 2: raise MalformedURL( "URL '{index}' not in form" " 'http[s]://host/user/indexname'".format( index=index)) def _get_short_url(self, index): short_name = index try: self._validate_index_url_format(index) short_name = self._index_re.match(index).groups()[1] except MalformedURL: self._validate_user_index_url_format(index) return short_name def _get_long_url(self, index): try: self._validate_index_url_format(index) long_name = index except MalformedURL: self._validate_user_index_url_format(index) long_name = "{url}/{userindex}".format( url=self.url, userindex=index) return long_name def _validate_user_index_url_format(self, index): match = self._user_index_re.match(index) if not match or len(match.groups()) < 2: raise MalformedURL( "URL '{index}' not in form" " 'user/indexname'".format( index=index)) def set_credentials_file(self, credentials_file): self.credentials_file = credentials_file
[docs] def publish(self, index): """ Publish a version of package from current index to given index. Args: index: PYPI Index to publish to. """ with self._session(): self._publish(index)
[docs] def test(self, test_index=None): """ Test and upload results and docs to the given index. If no index is specified, uses a temporary index. Args: test_index: Index name to use for testing, specified as NAME. """ with self._session(): self._test_via_tmpindex(test_index)
[docs] def create_index(self, name, baseindex, otherbase=None, credentials_file=None): """ Create a new index for the current user with given bases. Args: name: Name of the index to create, specified as NAME. baseindex: URL of index from which the new index will inherit. otherbase: Name of other indices (specified as USER/NAME) to use. credentials_file: File containing the users credentials. """ def _combined(base, otherbase=None): base = base.split() if otherbase: base.extend(otherbase.split(',')) return ','.join(base) self.set_index(baseindex) if credentials_file: self.set_credentials_file(credentials_file) with self._session(): index = DevpiIndex(, baseindex=_combined(self.userindex, otherbase), baseurl=self.url, index_name=name, username=self.username, clientarg=self._clientarg) if not index.index_exists(): index.create_index() index.use_index()
[docs] def delete_index(self, index, credentials_file=None): """ Delete the given index. Args: index: Index to delete, specified as http[s]://host/user/index. """ self.set_index(index) if credentials_file: self.set_credentials_file(credentials_file) with self._session(): indexname = self.userindex.split('/')[-1] index = DevpiIndex(, baseindex=self.userindex, baseurl=self.url, index_name=indexname, username=self.username, clientarg=self._clientarg) if index.index_exists(): index.delete_index()
@contextmanager def _session(self): try: self._login() yield None finally: self._logoff() @property def _clientarg(self): return (' --clientdir {clientdir}'.format(clientdir=self.clientdir) if self.credentials_file else '') @property def clientdir(self): if not self._clientdir and self.credentials_file: self._clientdir = self._get_tmpdir() return self._clientdir def _get_tmpdir(self): return os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), '{username}_{randomstring}'.format( username=self.username, randomstring=get_randomstring(length=10))) @property def username(self): """ Currently logged in username. If no user is logged in, uses credentials from a file. """ if self.credentials_file: self._username = self._get_credentials()[0] else: self._username = self._get_login_user() return self._username @property def _password(self): return self._get_credentials()[1].rstrip('\n') def _get_credentials(self): with open(self.credentials_file) as creds: return':', 1) def _get_login_user(self): return self._user_re.match('devpi user').stdout).groups()[1] @property def url(self): """ The base URL of the PYPI server, specified as http[s]://host """ return self._index_re.match(self.index).groups()[0] @property def userindex(self): """ Current user index, specified as user/indexname """ return self._index_re.match(self.index).groups()[1] def _pip_search_pkg(self, pkgname, index): return'pip search {pkg_name} -i {index}'.format( pkg_name=pkgname, index=index if index.endswith('/') else index + '/'), ignore_codes=[23]).stdout.split('\n')
[docs] def latest_pypi_version(self, pkg_name=None, pypi_index=None): """ Returns latest version of a package from the given index. Args: pkg_name: Name of the package, if different from the current package. pypi_index: Name of the index, if different from the current index. """ version = '' pkgname = pkg_name if pkg_name else index = self._get_long_url(pypi_index) if pypi_index else self.index results = self._pip_search_pkg(pkgname, index) for result in results: pkg_details = result.split() if pkg_details and pkgname in pkg_details[0].split('/'): version ='\((.*?)\)', pkg_details[1]).group(1) return version
def _login(self):'devpi use {url}{clientarg}'.format( url=self.url, clientarg=self._clientarg)) if self.credentials_file: ['devpi', 'login', self.username, '--password', self._password, '--clientdir', self.clientdir], replaced_output='devpi login {username}'.format( username=self.username), shell=False) def _logoff(self): if self.credentials_file:'devpi logoff{clientarg}'.format( clientarg=self._clientarg)) shutil.rmtree(self.clientdir) def _publish(self, index): short_index_name = self._get_short_url(index) indexname = self.userindex.split('/')[1] pkgspec = '{name}=={version}'.format(, version=self.packagehandler.version) index = DevpiIndex(, baseindex=self.userindex, baseurl=self.url, index_name=indexname, username=self.username, clientarg=self._clientarg) index.use_index() index.push(pkgspec, short_index_name) def _test_via_tmpindex(self, index): with _TmpIndex(, packagehandler=self.packagehandler, baseindex=self.userindex, baseurl=self.url, index_name=index, username=self.username, clientarg=self._clientarg) as tmpindex: tmpindex.test()