Source code for crl.devutils.githandler

from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
import re
from six import string_types

__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2019, Nokia'

[docs]class UncleanGitRepository(Exception): pass
[docs]class GitHandler(object): """ A handler responsible for handling all git related actions. Args: run: Reference to a function capable of running shell commands. """ def __init__(self, run): = run
[docs] def tag_release(self, version, push): """ Tags a given version if not already tagged and optionally pushes all tags to remote. Args: version: Version to tag. push: If or not to push the tags to remote. Returns: bool: True, if all commands succeded, False, if any of them failed. """ calls = list() if not self._is_tag_present(version): calls.append( lambda: self._add_tag(version, 'Release {version}'.format( version=version), push=push)) if push: calls.append(self._push) return self._call_list(calls)
@property def tag(self): return'git describe --tags').stdout.rstrip('\n') @property def hash(self): return'git rev-parse --verify HEAD').stdout.rstrip('\n') def add(self, paths): return'git add {paths}'.format( paths=self._get_flattened_paths(paths))) def remotes(self): return'git remote').stdout.split('\n') @staticmethod def _get_flattened_paths(paths): return (paths if isinstance(paths, string_types) else ' '.join(paths))
[docs] def commit(self, paths, message, push=False): """ Commits given file with given message and optionally pushes to remote. Args: paths: Path of file(s) to be committed. message: Commit message. push: If or not to push the commit to remote. Returns: bool: True, if all commands succeded """ calls = [lambda: self.add(paths)] if not self.is_clean(): self._add_commit(calls, paths, message) if push: calls.append(self._push) return self._call_list(calls)
def _add_commit(self, calls, paths, message): calls.append(lambda: "git commit -m '{message}' {paths}".format( message=message, paths=self._get_flattened_paths(paths)))) def _push(self): return'git push') @staticmethod def _call_list(calls): ret = True for c in calls: ret = c() return ret
[docs] def verify_clean(self): """ Checks if or not, the current working dirctory is clean. Raises: UncleanGitRepository: If the current working directory is unclean. """ if not self.is_clean(): raise UncleanGitRepository( 'git repository in {cwd} is unclean:\n' '{status}'.format( cwd=os.getcwd(), status=self.status()))
[docs] def is_clean(self): """ Checks if current working directory is clean. Returns: bool: True, if directory is clean. """ return self._is_clean_status()
def _is_clean_status(self): out ='git status --porcelain').stdout.rstrip('\n') return not out or out == '' def _is_tag_present(self, tag): remotes = self.remotes() try: 'git ls-remote --exit-code --tags {remote} {tag}'.format( remote=remotes[0] if remotes else 'origin', tag=tag)).returncode except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return False return True def status(self): return'git status').stdout.rstrip('\n') def _add_tag(self, tag, message, push): calls = [lambda:"git tag -a {tag} -m '{message}'".format( tag=tag, message=message))] if push: calls.append(lambda:"git push --tags")) return self._call_list(calls)
[docs] def update_version(self, version, version_file, push): """ Updates the given version file with a given version, commits and optionally pushes to the remote. Args: version: Version to update. version_file: Name or Path of the version file. push: If or not to push the commit to remote. """ return self.commit(version_file, 'Updated version to {version}'.format( version=version), push=push)
[docs] def checkout(self, filename): """ Checks out the given filename Args: filename: Name of the file to checkout. """ return'git checkout {filename}'.format(filename=filename))
[docs] def get_branch_of_tag(self, tag): """ Get the branch which contains the given tag. Args: tag: Tag to look for. """ return'git branch --contains {tag}'.format( tag=tag)).stdout.rstrip('\n').split(' ', 1)[-1:][0]
[docs] def clone(self, gitrepo, version): """ Clone and checkout the given version of git repository. Args: gitrepo: URL of the git project. version: Git version to checkout. """'git clone {gitrepo}'.format(gitrepo=gitrepo)) with self._run_in_clone_repo_dir(gitrepo): return self.checkout(version)
@contextmanager def _run_in_clone_repo_dir(self, gitrepo): current_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self._get_clone_directory_name(gitrepo)) try: yield None finally: os.chdir(current_dir) @staticmethod def _get_clone_directory_name(repo): return re.sub('\.git$', '', os.path.basename(repo))
[docs] def update(self, gitrepo, version): """ Update the local working directory with the given version if the local working directory is clean. Args: gitrepo: URL of the git project. version: Git version to checkout. """ with self._run_in_clone_repo_dir(gitrepo): self.verify_clean()'git fetch --all') self.checkout(version)
[docs] def clone_or_update(self, gitrepo, version): """ If not already cloned, clones the version to a local directory. If cloned already, updates the local directory with given version. Args: gitrepo: URL of the git project. version: Git version to clone or update. """ if os.path.isdir(self._get_clone_directory_name(gitrepo)): return self.update(gitrepo, version) return self.clone(gitrepo, version)